Naregatsi Art Institute is primarily dedicated to Contemporary Art. And it’s expressed in the following three fields:
- Art and Architecture: Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Architecture.
- Performing Arts: Music, Theater, Film.
- Literature: Poetry, Essay, Fiction.
Until now the goals of the Naregatsi Art Institute have been carried out by the support of an Armenian family residing in the US. So the Institute always welcomes new people ready to assist them in the achievement of their goals. There is a Narekatsi Art Institute in Shushi, Nagorno Karabakh as well. It was launched in 2006 and the purpose of this Institute is Shushi’s cultural awakening, which was basically ruined because of the war (1984 – 1994).
Naregatsi Art Institute has firm goals and takes steady steps to their accomplishment. Out of the overall goals there are five primary ones, which the Institute will definitely implement one day. They are:
- Complete the creation of the NAI Shushi Complex with an outdoor amphitheatre, guest house, playground, recording and film studios with the purpose of assisting the cultural awakening of Shushi.
- Equip the NAI center in Yerevan with Grand Piano suitable for world class concerts and professional sound recordings.
- Establish an annual award to honor Armenian and foreign scholars and artists for their contribution to the development and spread of Armenian culture.
- Establish an annual art festival, which would bring to Armenia artists and audiences from all over the world.
- Create documentary series about well known Armenian artists and cultural figures in order to pass our heritage upon new generation.
Address: Vardanants 16/1, Yerevan 0010, Armenia.
Tel.: (37410) 580 105, (374 10) 580 850