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Sasuntsi David Epic included into UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Armenian epic “Sasuntsi David” (“David of Sassoun”) was included into UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The decision was passed at the seventh sitting of the inter-governmental committee dedicated to the preservation of intangible cultural heritage. The sitting was held in Paris, France.

Last year “Khatchkar (Cross-Stone) Art: the Symbol of Khatchkar and Khatchkar Carving” was included into the list of UNESCO’s intangible heritage.

“Sasuntsi David” is an Armenian national epic recounting David’s accomplishments. It dates to the 8th century. The epic was written only in 1873; before that it was available only as an oral history. David is a hero from the epic “Daredevils of Sassoun” who became so popular with Armenian people that eventually the entire epic came to be known as “Sasuntsi David.” The Daredevils of Sassoun are recounted to have driven off Arab invaders out of Armenia. 

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